Hey, day before birthday.
I'm in the laundry room trying to decide what to do today. It's 10:24am. Last night 1 beer , 2 glasses of wine. Yesterday, I dug...

DP job
I got upgraded from operator to DP on a Discovery channel promo. Yay!

Ahhhhhhh! Â (Sorting)
Today I finished putting the Sheetrock in the laundry room. Â I had to sort through this pile for Sheetrock screws of the right length.

New Hazer
Very exciting. Â Fills the room up pretty quick. Â Tough to thin it out. Â Maybe it's the wrong fluid?
Cuttin' Torch
Gotta get that corner cut off the end of the bar. 1/4" steel buried in concrete below the tile. I got an idea. I've got a cuttin' torch...

One Million Tiny Nails
Ipe. Eeeepaay. The wood on this bar is made from the South American hardwood. No one wanted to mess up the look with screws. So they...

Today I helped James McShane build a roof support for the pool storage at Brookhollow country club. Â I spent most of the day painting...